

要dating, 都要揾個對象先

其實現在真係冇心機在網上識人, 大家素未謀面就己經要做個慢長的interview

什麽資料都在msn講哂了, dating時都唔知仲有乜嘢好講

而且就算在msn幾啱傾都好, 見面時又是另一回事

都不需要提那些真人同張相差好遠此等勢利的問題, 雙方面對面時唔過電就是唔過電, 迫不來的

昨天在街上, 遇到一位外國人, 互相對了幾眼, 他就來認識我, 問我要電話

首先, 他為人很大方呀, 想識我就走上前來吧, 我最怕人冇膽又婆媽

而且他好有禮貌, 口齒條理清楚, 道明來意, 不會令人感覺突兀同唔舒服

始終有人對自己有好感, 怎說都是一件樂事

當然, 都未知大家有沒有發展的可能, 不過我好欣賞他的誠意

留了電話給他, 相約喝一杯咖啡也不錯



10 則留言:

F4 說...

係呀. 大家都努力啦.

naruto 說...


lOnEly..TooThpaste 說...


C人 說...

F4: yes yes

naruto: thks

牙膏: 除緣份外, 自己都要有行動嘅

casper 說...

嘩... 黎d唔係拍照先有咩? 真係好浪漫啊!!

陳娃 說...

很多人都失去了面對面認識人的勇氣 ..


free as a bird 說...

just remember when you have a chance to meet with someone that you like, tell me you like him.

as somehow i find myself always want people to be direct with me about their feelings. but by the time i dump into someone that i really really like, i cant speak that out.

free as a bird 說...

just remember when you have a chance to meet with someone that you like, tell him you like him.

as somehow i find myself always want people to be direct with me about their feelings. but by the time i dump into someone that i really really like, i cant speak that out.

Rice 說...


PS. 我同佢都唔係响網上識。

Rice 說...